Building customer loyalty

Cricket Wireless • Cricket Xtras
User-Centered Design & Phased Product Development

View Desktop Prototype ︎

Role: Senior UX Designer


• Increase customer referrals
• Increase retention with promotions
• Link existing areas of the business
• Optimize design


• Sunsetting rewards program
• Limited promotional support
• Disconnected areas of the business
• Limited development support

Product Brainstorming
Product Owner + UX Architect + Content Strategist + UX Design

User-centered design brainstorming detailed the customer journey, built empathy and prioritized feature needs.
It was also the most accessible point to weave together product ideas and business objectives to solve customer needs.

Design Concepting
Product Owner + UX Design

Blue sky thinking and advancing design styles with the product owner helped materialize a common vision.
Note: Due to confidentiality, concept examples cannot be displayed at this time.

Education  + Business Integration + Phase Definition
Product Owner + UX Architect + UX Design

It was time to further break concepts down into phased business objectives. Developing visuals helped sell the idea and sequencing to other business units - enabling them understand product integration, development requirements, and estimated costs.  

Formal Product Definition + Business Requirements = Kick-Off
Product Owner + UX Architect + Business Analyst + Development

The product owner and UXA met with our Business Analyst and Development teams to identify functional business requirements and any API limitations. User stories were written and vetted across impacted teams.

Wire-framing + Design Process
UX Architect + Content Strategist + UX Design

Wireframes were developed by the UXA.

After a series of reviews with the design team and development, they were handed off to UX Design to translate into high-fidelity composites, integrating visual language with Content Strategy.

Multiple design teams, representing their individual platform needs, collaborated to create design unity across all customer touch points. 

Refer A Friend Ideation for Mobile
Refer A Friend’s desktop version was developed once design was streamlined for mobile. Layouts were adjusted to accommodate responsive design grids.
Refer A Friend for Desktop

Moving onto Cricket Xtras, the team was ready to focus on how to create a scaleable design system. 
Cricket Xtras Ideation for Mobile

Cricket Xtras for Desktopwas developed once designs were streamlined for mobile. Layouts were adjusted to accommodate responsive design grids.
Cricket Xtras for Desktop

Semi-Agile Development & UAT
Product Owner + UX Architect + UX Design + Content Strategy

Final designs were reviewed with key stakeholders for usability, legal, and development approvals. Additional deliverables were sent to training and communications units.

Development began sprint cycles and held regularly scheduled demos to review work progress and identify any changes needed.
Once development efforts neared completion, Design validation occurred through numerous UAT sessions. Findings were prioritized against product functionality and development resourcing.  Deliverables during this time ranged from updated comps to redline documentation as needed.

Product Owner + UX Architect + Content Strategist + UX Design

Design, along with other product team members, validated the final product on the live site and identified any visual or functional defects to be prioritized into future product enhancements.


• Cricket Xtras launched in June 2018
• Refer A Friend Platform developed
• Semi-personalized promos lauched
• Improved business unit connectivity
What’s Next

• Product visibility optimized
• Increased personalization
• Increased functionality
• Pattern library integration

Current Employment
Nordea •  København, DK
Product Owner / Lead Designer
Jan 2019 - Present
Product Design & Strategy
Collaboration & Team Building
︎  Making Delicious Cakes
2017 Cricket Wireless
Best Visual Appeal and Aesthetic
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︎  +45 52 72 29 88

© 2018