Driving behavior through gamification

Sharecare • Sharecare App for iOS 
Gamification & Platform Development

View App Prototype ︎

Role: Design Director


• Increase daily active users
• Increase strategic partnerships
• Increase customer engagement
• Clarify core value proposition
• Capitalize on wearables

• Lengthy onboarding
• Complex product differentiator
• Apple Watch integration
• Third-party tracking integration
• Shift in strategic focus*

Seizing the Opportunity

Full Product Team

Sharecare wanted to capitalize upon the growing array of health and wellness wearables with an app focused on daily engagement and deep user insight.  

With the recent completion of the Transform You fitness program, it saw an opportunity to develop a platform designed to help users grow younger through healthy behavior modification.

Product Brainstorming
VP of Product + UX Architect + UX Design

Team brainstorms focused on the user journey and yielded targeted daily interaction points to develop healthy routines.

Reward animations and badging would incentivize positive behavior change, integrated trackers would show progress and community support would enusre success. 

Team Brainstorming

Design Process
VP of Product + UX Architext + UX Design

Design engaged to strategically extend the Sharecare visual language from AskMD beyond a “medical” approach to a “lifestyle” vocabulary.  It was important for the user to focus on the journey and feel inspired each day.

This meant a refreshed color pallete, modular content design for scaleability, and the use of strategic gradients to provide balance.

Secondary designs focused on visualizing functionality and expanding the lifestyle and community aspects of the app.

*Strategic Refocus

Mid-product development, Sharecare brought on new executive leadership, acquired a voice-stress product and shifted strategic focus from “Living Your Healthiest Life” to “Living in the Green.”

Though extensive work had been done to prepare the Sharecare App for a summer 2015 launch, all work was paused to accommodate new leadership priorities, feature integration and brand direciton.

The resultant product release happened past my tenior at Sharecare and can be downloaded from the AppStore here.

Current Employment
Nordea •  København, DK
Product Owner / Lead Designer
Jan 2019 - Present
Product Design & Strategy
Collaboration & Team Building
︎  Making Delicious Cakes
2017 Cricket Wireless
Best Visual Appeal and Aesthetic
︎  andrewpayne82@me.com
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︎  +45 52 72 29 88

© 2018 andrewpaynecreative.com